Capture the Moment!

Here are all my posts on photography, covering techniques, trips, research, exhibitions, talks and workshops. Watch out for my latest article every Saturday.

I’ve also written dozens of articles for Expert Photography and Camera Reviews.

If you’d like to contribute a guest post on any aspect of photography, please email me at My standard fee is £50 plus £10 for each dofollow link.

Note: Some blog posts contain affiliate links to and As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

My Camera History

The Sunday Times used to ask celebrities what cars they’d owned and what their dream car would be. In my case, it would’ve been the same answer: an E-Type Jaguar! When it comes to cameras, the list would be a bit longer.

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Get to Know Your Camera Gear!

I often meet guests on safari who have just bought a new camera but haven’t had a chance to work out how to use it properly. They couldn’t be bothered to read the manual, they didn’t have time to take any pictures or they were supposed to go on a course, but they were too busy…

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Mirrorless Head-to-head: Canon R3 v Nikon Z9 v Sony ⍺1

Now that mirrorless cameras are wiping the floor with DSLRs—at least at the professional end!—let’s take a look at the three main contenders for the best mirrorless wildlife camera on the market: the Canon R3 (unless you prefer the R5’s higher resolution!), Nikon Z9 and Sony a1.

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What Lenses do you Need for Wildlife Photography?

Size isn’t everything, as they say, but there’s nothing like the power, reach and feel of a long lens. It gets you where the action is and lets you take close-ups of skittish and possibly dangerous wild animals. You still need other types of lenses, of course, but they’re far less glamorous!

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What Camera do you Need for Wildlife Photography?

“Hello, my name’s Nick, and I’m a cameraholic.”

There’s something very addictive about buying a new camera. You get obsessed with the idea of owning something that has the latest features, and you simply have to have it…!

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What's the Best Canon Mirrorless Camera?

When it comes to the best mirrorless cameras on the market, the Sony a1 and the Nikon Z9 are neck-and-neck. A little way behind—but not too far!—are the Canon EOS R3, R5 and R5C. So which one’s the best?

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Sony a1 vs Nikon D850

If you’re a photographer thinking about switching to mirrorless, I just thought it might be useful to read about someone else’s experience doing the same thing. I used to have an extensive collection of Nikon camera bodies, lenses and accessories, including a D850. However, I switched to the Sony mirrorless system last year, and I now have two Sony a1 cameras.

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How to Use a Mirrorless Camera

Most people buying a mirrorless camera these days will be switching from a DSLR. Using a mirrorless is a little bit different, so here’s my guide to help you make the transition.

There are a few key differences, and I’ve divided them up into which camera to buy, how to customise it, which settings to use, plus sections on shooting mode, the EVF and custom buttons.

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DSLR vs Mirrorless

Until last year, I’d always been a Nikon man. Then it all changed, first gradually and then all of a sudden.

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Nikon D880 or Nikon Z9?

I bet against England winning Euro 2020, and I won enough money to buy a new camera - but which one?

Up until recently, I just assumed it would be the latest DSLR in Nikon’s range, which is likely to be named the D880, but now I’m not so sure.

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Lens head-to-head: Canon v Nikon v Sony

This article considers mid-range zooms, lenses that I’d consider to be your ‘workhorse’.

For wildlife photography, I’d recommend getting a long lens that is at least 400mm, and these three are roughly equivalent, depending on whether you have a Canon, Nikon or Sony camera body.

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Camera head-to-head: Canon v Nikon v Sony

Canon, Nikon and Sony are the three premier brands in photography equipment. I opted for Nikon, and I’ve been regretting it ever since!

No, not really, but I’m sick to death of the low frame rates. My D850 only manages 7 fps, and even with a battery pack it’s only 9 fps, which is pitiful compared to the 20 fps offered by the top-of-the-line Canon and Sony cameras.

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Wildlife photography kit recommendations

Camera and lens reviews are 10 a penny online, and most will have a throwaway comment like ‘good for wildlife photography and sport’, but what does that actually mean?

In this article, I’d like to go over the pros and cons of the most common types of camera, lens and other accessories and show you a few practical examples in order to help you make up your mind about which kit to buy.

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Camera set-up for Nikon D810 and D850

I recently watched a few videos and read a few articles on Steve Perry’s website, and they inspired me to share my camera settings with you. Thanks, Steve!

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My photographic equipment

When I started out as a professional photographer back in 2013, I didn’t even own a camera! I had to spend thousands of pounds building up my current collection of camera bodies, lenses and accessories.

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Basics of photography

When you buy (or borrow) your first digital SLR, everything looks different, and it can be a bit worrying. What are all these buttons and dials for? Why is it so heavy? Where do I start? How do I change the shutter speed? All these are very good questions, and this is the place to find the answers!

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