Capture the Moment!

Here are all my posts on photography, covering techniques, trips, research, exhibitions, talks and workshops. Watch out for my latest article every Saturday.

I’ve also written dozens of articles for Expert Photography and Camera Reviews.

If you’d like to contribute a guest post on any aspect of photography, please email me at My standard fee is £50 plus £10 for each dofollow link.

Note: Some blog posts contain affiliate links to and As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

What's in my Camera Bag?

What equipment do you need to be a professional wildlife photographer? Well, I pack light, so all my camera gear fits in a Tenba Hybrid Roller 21—apart from my 400mm lens, which I carry in a separate dry bag. If I’m visiting a lodge in Africa, there’s usually a free laundry service, so I pack a change of clothes in my jacket to avoid checking any luggage. And that’s it…!

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My Wildlife Photography Bucket List

Most of us don’t have the time or the budget to go on many wildlife photography trips, so it’s worth making the most of what we have by going to the right place at the right time. In 2014, I wrote down all the destinations on my photographic bucket list. Here’s an updated version that only includes the best places for wildlife photography that I’ve never visited...

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Where Next in 2023...?

I had quite a quiet 2022 in terms of trips, but I’d like to go on a few more this year. Visiting Muchenje a couple of times was very enjoyable, but I’m looking for a bit more variety. I already have two trips planned, one to Kerkini in Greece to see the Dalmation pelicans and one to Bandhavgarh in India to see the tigers, and there might be more on the way. We shall see.

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2022: I had a Lodge in Africa...

This is my last blog post of 2022, so I thought I'd give you a quick recap of what I got up to during the last 12 months.

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Elephants, leopards, wild dogs, roan and sable antelopes, lions attacking a baby elephant, boat rides, lovely people, another beef Wellington, but problems with my camera and not as many bee-eaters as I’d hoped. That was the story of my second trip to Muchenje Safari Lodge in Botswana—this time in the dry season.

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Little bee-eaters, Portakabins, elephants, boat rides, more little bee-eaters, an FA Cup final, lovely people, a lunar eclipse, more elephants and a beef Wellington. That just about sums up my trip to Muchenje Safari Lodge in Botswana!

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Photo trip history

From Alaska to Australia, from Svalbard to Antarctica, I’ve taken pictures in 26 countries on all seven continents. Phew…!

I thought it might be fun to show you this map and give you a potted history of my photographic trips since I turned professional in 2013, together with my favourite images from each one.

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