Capture the Moment!

Here are all my posts on photography, covering techniques, trips, research, exhibitions, talks and workshops. Watch out for my latest article every Saturday.

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Glaziers' Art Fair

Selling photographs is like being in the army: 99% boredom and 1% nerve-jangling excitement!

"What does this have to do with glass...?"

Dentists. Nobody much likes dentists, but I won't hear a word said against them. The first two prints I ever sold were bought by a dentist, and I've just sold seven more to another one!

I've spent the last couple of days exhibiting my photographs at the Glaziers' Art Fair at Glaziers' Hall near London Bridge. It was fun talking to the public and to my fellow stall holders, particularly Catherine and Sai, but it was quite quiet until I met The Dentist and his wife. He walked up to my stall and told me he was looking for photographs to put up on the walls of his practice. He then said something like:

"I'll have that one...and that one...and that one...and that one...and that one. Oh, and I've just seen that one and that one, so I'll have those, too."

As one of the organisers told me later, "That must've put a smile on your face." It did indeed.

Altogether, I sold nine prints, 10 postcards and 13 greetings cards. These were the prints:

Taj Mahal from Agra Fort in blue haze (x2)

St Basil's Cathedral

Pig peeping out from behind wall

Pig peeping out from behind wall



View of Victoria Harbour from the Peak

Black and white cliffs on snowy glacier

Tuscany 1

Let me just say a big thank you to the organisers, the other stall holders and everyone who came along to the fair. It was the first of its kind, and I hope it won't be the last. I don't know how many people attended the show, but I wish it every success and hope to be there next year. Quite a few people left comments in my visitors' book, so I'll finish with a list of what they wrote:

Lovely work, quite inspirational!
— Judith
We enjoyed talking to you and seeing your lovely photos.
— Joan & Tom
How very refreshing & reminds me of the beauty of art and nature.
— Yvette
Thank you so much for showing me the nature film & bears catching salmon, etc. Lovely photos.
— Val
The most fantastic bear photos ever!!!
— Barbara
True works of art.
— Ron
Beautiful pictures. So still and so real!
— Koyon
Great, Nick.
— Pippa
Awesome stuff!! A picture really does tell a story 😀!
— Sai
I love the painted stork. Interesting to hear of your travels.
— Zoe
Very interesting use of photographic effects.
— Brian
Stunning photographs that capture magical scenes
— Jackie
Lovely exhibition.
— Sue
Enjoyed the photos & the chat about the Arctic
— Rosita
Great photos
— Liz
Beautiful emotive images
— Diane
Loved the Taj!! Lovely photos.
— Jan

If you’d like to order a framed print of one of my wildlife photographs, please visit the Prints page.

If you’d like to book a lesson or order an online photography course, please visit my Lessons and Courses pages.