Capture the Moment!

Here are all my posts on photography, covering techniques, trips, research, exhibitions, talks and workshops. Watch out for my latest article every Saturday.

I’ve also written dozens of articles for Expert Photography and Camera Reviews.

If you’d like to contribute a guest post on any aspect of photography, please email me at My standard fee is £50 plus £10 for each dofollow link.

Note: Some blog posts contain affiliate links to and As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

The blue hour

The blue hour is less well-known than the golden hour, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its advantages. The phrase simply refers to the hour just before sunrise or just after sunset when the colour of the light is generally ‘cooler’. In this article, I’ll show you a few of the benefits of this time of day and give you some ideas for the kinds of shots to take.

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The golden hour

The quality of light is crucial in creating a great photograph.

The word photography, after all, means ‘writing with light’, so it’s no surprise that a lot of photographers spend most of their time shooting during the ‘golden hour’ either just after sunrise or just before sunset.

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Head-to-head: Bear Gills v Bear Necessities

This is the first of a series of head-to-head photo critiques that compare two similar wildlife shots I’ve taken in the last few years.

The idea is to show you first of all that nobody’s perfect (!) and also to help you identify problems in your own shots that you can then fix - either in camera or during post-processing.

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Low key portraits

Wildlife shots are ten a penny these days, so how do you make yours stand out from the herd? Well, one thing you can experiment with is low key portraits. All you need to do is underexpose the shot (either in camera or in Lightroom – see sections below), and you’ll create a whole new atmosphere, something that’s either moody, mysterious or threatening – whatever works best.

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African buffalo facts

The African buffalo is so dangerous that it’s been called ‘Black Death’, and it’s responsible for killing around 200 people a year in Africa. The fact that it’s so dangerous is one of the reasons why trophy hunters added it to the list of the Big Five, alongside the lion, leopard, elephant and rhino.

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Extreme photography

In the quest to help people improve their photography, I’ve written various blog posts, including one on the rules of composition and another on how to stand out from the herd.

Today, I’m going to try a different approach - what I call ‘extreme photography’.

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Photo trip history

From Alaska to Australia, from Svalbard to Antarctica, I’ve taken pictures in 26 countries on all seven continents. Phew…!

I thought it might be fun to show you this map and give you a potted history of my photographic trips since I turned professional in 2013, together with my favourite images from each one.

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Nikon D880 or Nikon Z9?

I bet against England winning Euro 2020, and I won enough money to buy a new camera - but which one?

Up until recently, I just assumed it would be the latest DSLR in Nikon’s range, which is likely to be named the D880, but now I’m not so sure.

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Free Lightroom presets

Presets save you an awful lot of work in Lightroom. You can do what I do and create them yourself for your most common edits, or you can download them from the internet.

Some are free, and some you have to pay for. Here is a list of various websites offering free Lightroom presets.

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Photography competitions

I’ve now won enough competitions to be able to call myself an ‘international award-winning photographer’, but it’s a bit of a fool’s errand. The only one anyone ever seems to have heard of is the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition run by the Natural History Museum, but it receives 50,000 entries a year from over 100 countries and only displays the top 100 images in its annual exhibition.

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Tips for setting up your Nikon DSLR

I see a lot of ‘unboxing’ videos on social media - as if taking something out of a box required some sort of special skill…!

This article doesn’t involve any cardboard boxes, but it does tell you a few neat tricks to customise your Nikon camera.

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